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Welcome to WeAreDevelopers - the vibrant community for software developers who skyrocket their careers to 📈🚀 new heights! We revolutionize the job search for developers, fusing technology with boundless creativity.

Dive into an inspiring world where unique skills blossom, like-minded individuals collaborate from diverse fields, and together, we shape the future of the tech industry. Become part of our team and unlock the magic when technology and passion unite! 💻🌟🔥

Open Positions

Sales Manager*in (full remote)
  • Wien, Wien, Austria
  • Berlin, Berlin, Germany
  • Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
+2 more

Our Offices 🏢


Global HQ

Liechtensteinstr. 111-115 1090 Vienna


HQ Germany

Wattstraße 11 13355 Berlin


Office CEE

Zmaja od Bosne 13 71000 Sarajevo


Office NL

Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 162 1012 SJ, Amsterdam

⭐ Working at our company means flexibility, trust and meaningful choices! ⭐

Employee Voices 💬

Hear directly from our dedicated employees who contribute to our success each day.

  • In our company, every day is like opening a new door. You never know what challenge you're going to walk into, but you always know you have the tools to handle it.


    Team Lead Customer Success

  • Working here feels like being part of a well-oiled machine, we're not just employees, we're cogs helping to drive the engine of innovation.


    Chief Commercial Officer

  • Our sales job is nothing short of incredible, with an amazing product and an awesome team, making every day exciting and fulfilling.


    Account Manager

  • You don't join our company for a job, you join for a journey. A journey that is sure to teach you, test you, and transform you.


    Account Manager

  • Bark-tastic office, paws down! From fetch breaks to belly rubs, this woof-derful place has me wagging my tail all day long. It's a paw-some time with my hooman friends.


    Head of Cuteness

  • I’ve always wanted a career that allows me to express my creative side. WeAreDevelopers is both creative and challenging with the need to constantly innovate.


    Field Marketing Manager